Wednesday, May 7, 2014

For HBO, it's all about making 'good shit'


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It's not often that HBO CEO Richard Plepler is out doing some public speaking about his company. Today, however, Plepler took the stage at The Atlantic's New York Ideas event in The Big Apple, where he was interviewed by NBC's Willie Geistto talk about where HBO stands and where it's headed. While Plepler may not have revealed any major secrets during the interview, it is always interesting to hear how the Home Box Office boss feels about the current status of the premium channel. For example, he talked about having lunch earlier in the day with a friend, who told him how HBO is known for making "good shit." For Plepler, that's music to the ears, as he said HBO is always striving to have the best contest possible. "We're trying to create new addicts and build a new generation of viewers. What we're trying to do is become a magnet for the best talent to come to work," he stated.

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